Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Food for a day out

It has unfortuantely been a fairly unexciting food week. This week I have decided however to not cook any Quinoa as I think I have been overdosing on the stuff and am totally fed up with it.

I took my first foray into rock climbing on saturday. It had been a desire of mine to try it for a while so I enrolled in an outdoor one day course. The less said about it the better as we had a pretty bad instructor who seemed to think we were not beginners but accomplished Edmund Hillary sorts. A few tears were shed, and life flashed before me at certain points but the upshot of it is I have been offered a free day to try again with a proper instructor.

Anyway, we were going to be out all day so I wondered what to pack for food. I decided on - yes you guessed it.....Quinoa salad! I cooked it the night before. Along with that took some Boomi bars - they are gluten free and very, very tasty.

Since then it has been normal stuff: wheat free pasta, veggy curry, and chimichangas made with wheat free tortillas. I was dubious about trying the tortillas again but David cooked them this time and did a fantastic job. They almost tasted like the real thing. We make our chimichangas by putting some hummous, chilli sauce and cheese into the middle of the tortilla, then folding it into a square shape and shallow frying them until golden on both sides. It's actually a recipe from Rosamunda Richardson. It's an old book that I have and I can't find it anywhere online to give the link.

I have also had a few lunch time disasters this week. I made some polenta one day and mixed it with some salad ingredients: tomatoes, scallions, olives - not a wise choice. The texture was horrible. I much prefer firm polenta. You can buy it already firm or just make a batch as normal and them roll it up into a log shape in plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm. Then you can slice it up and fry it, and top with anything - tomato sauce that you would make for pasta is good on polenta.

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